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  • Budget-Friendly Relay: We believe in accessible events. That's why we've kept the registration at just $40, covering your event merchandise and a delicious post-relay tailgate.
  • Maximize Your Summer: Enjoy a full relay experience in just one day! The Coastal Plains Relay offers the flexibility to join for the day, stay for the fellowship and family fun, or even extend your stay with a beach house rental.
  • Run at Your Pace: Worried about long distances? Our relay features shorter legs and team-managed runner exchanges, making it perfect for runners of all abilities. We're breaking down barriers to participation.


  • Start: Parkway Fellowship, 27043 FM 1093, Richmond, TX 77406
  • Finish: Surfside Beach, TX (Seagull Ave Public Beach Access, 102 Stanek Dr, Surfside Beach, TX 77541)
  • Runners: Teams of 10 or fewer, depart Saturday morning.
  • Ruckers: Teams of 6 or fewer, depart Friday evening.
  • Checkpoints: Approximately every 15 miles, offering shade, water, electrolytes, and ice towels.
  • Runner Exchanges: Teams manage their own exchanges, with no designated locations.
    • Team members must run in sequential order (e.g., 1-10, repeat).
    • Each participant must complete a minimum of two legs, with each leg being at least two miles.
    • This flexible format accommodates participants of all fitness levels.
  • Safety Priority: Team safety is paramount. Adjust runner exchanges as needed to ensure the well-being of all participants.




Carpool Strongly Encouraged: To minimize parking congestion at the Startex (Parkway Fellowship - F3 The Crossing), please carpool whenever possible.

Designated Parking: Parkway Fellowship has generously provided designated parking for relay participants who need to leave vehicles. This area is located in the southeast section of the parking lot.

Check-In & Packet Pickup:

  • Arrive Early: Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your designated check-in time for packet pickup.
  • Team Captains: Team captains must check in with event staff upon arrival and before the event begins.
  • Early Packet Pickup: Early packet pickup options will be available. Locations and times will be announced (TBD).

Team Captain's Meeting & Safety Briefing

Date: Thursday, July 10th
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Katy Beer Garden
Address: 5345 E 3rd St, Katy, TX 77493


  • Hydration is Key: Prioritize hydration throughout your training, tapering, and the event itself. Fuel your body appropriately.
  • Push Yourself, Don't Hurt Yourself: Push your limits, but avoid injury. Know your limits and respect them.
  • Nighttime Visibility: Headlamps and high-visibility vests are mandatory for all participants on the route at night.
  • Road Safety:
    • Vehicles have the right of way. Never assume a driver sees you.
    • Do not run in front of moving vehicles.
    • Run against traffic at all times, unless a sidewalk or protected path is available.
  • Checkpoints:
    • Located approximately every 15 miles, offering shade, ice water, electrolytes, and ice towels.
    • Teams may utilize checkpoints for runner exchanges.
  • Medical Support:
    • Medics will be on standby throughout the relay.
    • Teams will be provided with a list of nearby urgent care facilities and hospitals.
  • Team Support & Accountability:
    • "No Man Left Behind, but Leave No Man Where You Find Him"
    • Teams are responsible for runner well-being, providing vehicle support and mile-by-mile check-ins. Be ready to assist others
  • Preparadness:
    • Preparation is paramount. Focus on training, conditioning, hydration, and recovery.
    • If hot weather is expected, train in the heat and identify effective recovery strategies.
    • In rain, exercise extra caution due to reduced visibility and slippery surfaces, and immediately seek shelter if lightning is present, standing down until the storm passes.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Remember, this event is meant to be fun! Finish safely and celebrate your achievement with your team and loved ones.


CP1: Shell gas station South of Rosenberg
Mile 15
6026 TX-36, Rosenberg, TX 77471

CP2: Valero gas station
Mile 30
27033 TX-36, Damon, TX 77430

CP3: Kids Academy Learning Center
Mile 45
1416 S Columbia Dr, West Columbia, TX 77486

CP4: Sunny’s JC Corner
Mile 60
7102 TX-36, Freeport, TX 77541


Turn 1: Off 359 turn RIGHT on to 723 (723 will become 36 in Rosenburg). *From the left-hand side shoulder of 359 and utilizing the crosswalk, cross right (across 359) then cross 723 to proceed running along the left-hand side shoulder going south. Follow sidewalks, protected walkways, or shoulders against the traffic while on Highway 36.

Turn 2: Stay on 36 all the way to Freeport - turn left onto S. Velasco Blvd. There are sidewalks and protected walkways on the left-hand side for a majority of Velasco Blvd.

NOTE: There is a Railroad Crossing between Turns 2 & 3. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BEAT A TRAIN OR GO BETWEEN RAILCARS. 

Turn 3: S. Velasco Blvd becomes 523, turn right off 523 onto 332 and take it to Surfside. 

Turn 4: Once in Surfside (after coming off the bridge) - You’ll make a left on Blue Water Highway. There is a sidewalk / golf cart path until you turn at the beach access.

Turn 5: Turn right at Stanek Drive (street sign says Seagull Ave, and Google Maps has it marked as Seagull Avenue Public Beach Access), and turn left to run the last ~0.25 miles to the finish! Look for the inflatable arch, flags, and tailgate!

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